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👋🏽 I'm Anurag Pandey, and this is my homepage.

  1. Building UGW at Mayhem Studios (2022)


  1. Solved engineer retention at MPL (2021)

  2. Built MPL Sports (2021)

  3. Built Pool Champs (2021)

  4. Sold makeup and fragrances at Flipkart (2020)

  5. Traded oil at Futures First (2020)

  6. Sold 3D bioprinters at BioP India (2018)

  7. Made friends at BITS (2017-2020)


Indispensable Apps:
  1. Notion : Manage information and to-dos.

  2. Bitwarden: Great open source password manager that gets the job done

  3. Spotify: Use it for everything audio. Insane recommendation algorithm 🙇🏻

  1. Twitter

  2. LinkedIn

Contact me:
  1. Telegram

  2. Email

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